Walk to La Duis

Walk to La Duis

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Recreational walk along the Arc, accompanied by the music of the birds and the flower meadows, crowned with snow-capped peaks.

Walking back up along the course of the Arc, the Arc’s plain opens up. The ridges of the Mulinet stand vigil while the glaciers illuminate the warmth of July. The flowers blossom, the colours explode and the birds sing. Further on, the people of the land have begun harvesting the hay. Nature is not the only thing you will see; this landscape, these old barns and old chalets originated from the toil and sweat of men.


From the hamlet of Écot, take the pastoral track that continues towards the bottom of the valley, passing between the water intake and the EDF station. Approximately 1 km away, leave the trail that follows the Arc and on the left hand side follow the track alongside the large cairn that first rises gently on the slope before going along the Arc again to the Duis. Follow the opposite way to return.

  • Departure : Écot car park, Bonneval-sur-Arc
  • Arrival : Écot car park, Bonneval-sur-Arc
  • Towns crossed : BONNEVAL-SUR-ARC

Altimetric profile


Make sure you respect the rules of the car park. Don’t walk in the meadows while they are not mowed.

Is in the midst of the park
The national park is an unrestricted natural area but subjected to regulations which must be known by all visitors.

Information desks

Vanoise Information Desk - Termignon

Place Vanoise, 73500 Termignon

https://www.vanoise-parcnational.fr04 79 20 54 54

La Ciamarella, 73480 Bonneval-sur-Arc

https://www.bonneval-sur-arc.cominfo@hautemaurienne.com04 79 05 99 06


Rail connection to Modane. Information: www.voyages-sncf.com
Then transport by coach to Bonneval-sur-Arc. Information: www.transavoie.com
Suggested hitchhiking organised in the Haute-Maurienne valley. Information: www.rezopouce.fr

Access and parking

From the Tourist Information Centre in Bonneval-sur-Arc, take the small road leading to Écot.

Parking :

Car park, L'Écot



Emergency number :114

6 points of interest

  • Viewpoint

    View over the Hamlet of Ecot

    The abandonment of agropastoral activity also affects the habitat. Whether conserved or not by the original families, this built heritage is subject to regulatory measures aimed at preserving its original appearance, in the absence of any occupant to fulfil the role. These measures do not prevent the disappearance of suspended drying balconies for solarium terraced balconies, and the appearance of bays, shutters or double roofs to meet modern standards of comfort.

  • Architecture

    The hamlet of l'Écot

    Wood became a rare commodity in Bonneval-sur-Arc, and so the builders of yesterday used the most abundant resource in this high valley - the stone. Walls, lintels, roofing, drinking troughs and even intermediate floors were mounted in lauze! Thanks to a wise restoration, the hamlet of l´Écot blends harmoniously into this landscape. Walk through the narrow streets and imagine how life once was when the hamlet was populated all year by men and their animals...
  • Flora

    The flower meadows

    These hay meadows are vital for farmers, allowing them to provide for their animals during the winter. The mowing promotes biodiversity and makes these meadows colourful in July. How many different species can you identify?
  • History

    The hay barns

    Barns can be spotted along the entire route up to Duis, which were previously used to store hay. Their architecture is particular to the Haute-Maurienne: the locals used the materials most available locally such as stone. This explains the dry stone walls as well as the lauze roofs. Large openings made it easy to store the hay, while other smaller openings allowed it to be aired. The upper parts of the barns and chalets are often semi-buried to merge into the slope and thus guard against winter avalanches.
  • Small heritage


    A genuine witness to this bygone rural engineering, the channels dug into the slopes would irrigate the hay meadows to promote their yield. Ÿou will be able to see them up the road.
  • Viewpoint

    La Duis

    Here you are at the end of your journey! The Arc begins its course a little higher up in the glacier that you will perceive under the peaks of Levanna, before crossing the whole Maurienne and plunging into the Isère... 120 km lower!